Browse Items (986 total)

4°. [*]2, A-F4. ff. [2], 24. mm. 147×195.

4°. A-O4, a-h4. ff. 56, [32]. mm. 146×200. Italics

Del Rosso's translation of Aristotle's On the Soul is dedicated to Francesco de Medici. Ms. Pal. 800 seems to be an autograph dedication copy. In the preface the author gives some interesting remarks on the method of translating.

Paolo Del Rosso's La fisica is an interesting example of poetical reworking of Aristotle's Physics. The work is conceived as a compendium of the treatise, but it is largely indebted to Dante's poetry as well, in terms of both structure and content.…

8°. A4, B-G8, H4. ff. 56: [4], 52 [103p + 1p n.n.]. 97×150 mm. Text in italics. Notes in roman.

Paper; mm. 270_220; ff. [I], 73, [2 blank], [I]. Beautiful copy, calligraphic though cursive hand; some additions and corrections. According to the catalogue the ms. is autograph by Del Rosso.

Paper; miscellaneous; binding in cardboard; ff. 171; title: 'Discorsi e poesie varie'. The manuscript is a miscellaneous containing several works by different authors (including Leon Battista Alberti and Luigi Alamanni) and related to the circle of…

Paper, ff. [ii], 46, [2], [iii]; mm. 281_210. Binding in cardboard, spine in leather with gold decorations. Autograph manuscript by Jacopo Corbinelli, and not by the author himself, as stated by a later hand on a smaller sheet of paper inserted…

The Trattato de' costumi, attributed to Luigi Dal Portello (who signs the preface letter to Niccolò Valier) by Risse, is in fact the translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, book II. As one gets from the identity of the publisher, such work might be…

8°. A-B4, C2. ff. 10. Dedication italics; text roman. 110×160 mm.

8°; A-F8, G10; p. 115. Text in Roman, Latin quotations in italics.

The translation is dedicated to Francesco Maria II della Rovere by the obscure Tito Corneo d'Urbino. The preface is dated 8 September 1617. The extant manuscript Vatican City, BAV, Urb. Lat. 1331 is a beautiful dedication copy with layout inspired by…
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