Browse Items (87 total)

  • Branch of philosophy is exactly "Poetics"

Unit n°23, mm. 273_205; ff. 6 [219r-225v].

Unit n°18, mm. 210_290; ff. 6 [153r-158r]. The text copied is rich in additions and corrections, which witness at least a revision of the copy.

Relevant unit: mm. 225_310; ff. 5 [103v-107v].

Beautiful copy of the text; corrections and additions which appear on the margins in the other manuscripts, are here part of the text.

Paper; misc., comp. (26 units); ff. [III], [2], 336, [2], [III]; measures varying. Unit 17: mm. 272_204.

The lecture addressed to Eleonora de Toledo, member of the Accademia degli Alterati under the name of "Ardente", is conceived as a general discussion of Alessandro Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotle's Poetics, the Annotationi nel libro della…

The lecture — related to the Accademia degli Alterati as well as the other pieces in the miscellaneous ms. Ricc. 2435 — deals with a defence of Dante's Commedia as a poema eroico: the author aims at demonstrating that the poem perfectly fits in with…

The lecture, given at the Accademia degli Umoristi in Rome in 1605, deals with a section of Aristotle's Poetics on the opportunity of employing verse (and not prose) in epic poetry.

Paper; ff. 36; mm. 145_212.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. 4, 351; mm. 210_280.

This is an incomplete commentary on the Poetics which seems to be lacking in references to other authors. There are several marginal annotations. The old Magliabechi catalogue refers it to Leonardo Salviati, but there is no certain relation with the…

The anonymous academic oration is mainly based on Aristotle's Poetics (with precise references to the text) and Horace's Art of Poetry.

Paper; ff. [1], [VI], [1], 107, [5]. mm. 205x290. Card binding.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [7], 235, [1], [2]; mm. 350_235.

Though recorded as a single work, the two manuscripts Florence, BNC, II.I.20-21 are note really related: the first one contains the so-called Proloqui nella Rettorica and an incomplete Ragionamento della poesia; the second manuscript is made up of 5…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [III], 359, [II]. mm. 210_310.

Beltrami's notes to Bulgarini discuss the notion of allegory referring to several sources. The main frame of Beltrami's account is Aristotelian: as stated in the preface letter, he is following the division of Aristotle's text (Poetics) below Maggi…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [II], 684, [II].Measures variable. Relevant unit: mm. 275_200.

The censure on Alessandro Piccolomini's Annotationi nel libro della Poetica di Aristotele collect several remarks (mainly critical) on Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotelian passages witnessing - together with other contemporary documents - the…
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