Browse Items (61 total)

  • Related to Aristotles is exactly "Poetics"

4°; a2, A-Y4, Z2; ff. [2], 93, [1]; mm. 135×192. Dedication and foreword in roman, text in italics.

Beltrami's notes to Bulgarini discuss the notion of allegory referring to several sources. The main frame of Beltrami's account is Aristotelian: as stated in the preface letter, he is following the division of Aristotle's text (Poetics) below Maggi…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [III], 359, [II]. mm. 210_310.

Paper; ff. I, [9], 392, [1], I; mm. 210_300.

The text (witnessed by ms. Vatican City, BAV, Ott. Lat. 2196) is unfortunately almost illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios. Almost nothing is known about the author (an other work by him in Florence, BNC, ms. IX.139). As…

Paper; ff. [3], [1], 323, [1]; mm. 210_275. Illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios.

The first manuscript, which is a miscellaneous and heterogeneous one, contains a single section of Salviati's commentary which deals with the previous exegetical works on the Poetics ('Degl'interpreti di questo libro della poetica', ff. 25r-26v: the…

Beautiful copy of the text; corrections and additions which appear on the margins in the other manuscripts, are here part of the text.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [II], 684, [II].Measures variable. Relevant unit: mm. 275_200.

Unit n°18, mm. 210_290; ff. 6 [153r-158r]. The text copied is rich in additions and corrections, which witness at least a revision of the copy.

Unit n°23, mm. 273_205; ff. 6 [219r-225v].

The censure on Alessandro Piccolomini's Annotationi nel libro della Poetica di Aristotele collect several remarks (mainly critical) on Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotelian passages witnessing - together with other contemporary documents - the…

The lecture addressed to Eleonora de Toledo, member of the Accademia degli Alterati under the name of "Ardente", is conceived as a general discussion of Alessandro Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotle's Poetics, the Annotationi nel libro della…

p. [8], 55, [2]; 4°. Segn.: *4 A-G4.
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