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As the author affirms in the dedication letter, the Discorsi, to which Pona refers as Lezioni morali, were given at the Accademia Filarmonica in Verona. After a preamble and a commentary on the title, the commentator quotes passages from Nicomachean…

The Discorso breve, dedicated to Alfonso Cavazzi, count of Somaglia, opens with a polemical preamble referring to a previous work by Bernardino Baldini (Bernardini Baldini Lusus ad m. Antonium Baldinum fratris filium, Milan: 1586). The short…

Paper; misc.; ff. [6], 413, [1]; mm. 190_270. Title on spine: 'Raccolta / di vari / manoscritti / Tom. VII. / Copia'. The last text copied refers to 1593.

The Discorso (which is divided into two different discorsi) draws from several sources: though the main frame of the work is platonic, there is a section entirely devoted to Aristotle's teachings in the field of rhetoric (ff. 253v-256r).

Paper; misc., comp. (several units); variable measures. Relevant unit: mm. 215_315. The treatise is provided with two diagrams (ff. 193v, 194v).

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [2], 153. Relevant unit: mm. 270_200.

The brief treatise by Robortello, witnessed by miscellaneous manuscripts, deals with topics and discusses Aristotelian principles from the Prior Analytics, which are presented as a fundamental source for the rational faculties (Rhetoric, Poetics,…

The Discorso was written in 1565 by Francesco De Vieri on the occasion of Francesco I de Medici's wedding; it is thus dedicated to the duke and his wife, Johanna of Austria. The work, conceived as a thorough discussion of philosophy and its…

Parchment; ff. I, 37, I; mm. 165_230. Layout: mm. 102_155. Lines: 24 per page. Beautiful dedicatory copy. Initials of paragraphs and names of dedicatees in red. Binding decorated with Medici coat of arms.

8°. *4, A-I8, K4. ff. [4], pp. 148, ff. [II]. Preface to the readers italics, text roman. mm. 105×158.

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [7], 258, [1]; mm. 215_310.

The anonymous discorso on justice is basically based on Aristotle, though the text refers to other philosophers such as Plato; an interesting reference to Donato Acciaiuoli as an interpreter of Aristotle is made (f. 116r).

4°. A-K4. ff. xxxvi. Dedication and text roman. mm. 150×210.

As the author affirms in the dedication letter to cardinal Flavio Orsini, the Discorso aims at demonstrating the immortality of the soul through a critical consideration of Aristotle's statements on the topic as well as his later readers and…

Paper; misc.; ff. [6], 413, [1]; mm. 190_270. Title on spine: 'Raccolta / di vari / manoscritti / Tom. VII. / Copia'. The last text copied refers to 1593.

The anonymous Discorso focuses on Aristotle's Rhetoric, book 2, and more specifically deals with the so-called movimento degli affetti. Other Aristotelian works such as the treatise On the Soul are mentioned.

Unit n°23, mm. 273_205; ff. 6 [219r-225v].

Unit n°18, mm. 210_290; ff. 6 [153r-158r]. The text copied is rich in additions and corrections, which witness at least a revision of the copy.
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