Browse Items (87 total)

  • Branch of philosophy is exactly "Poetics"

Parchment; ff. I, 37, I; mm. 165_230. Layout: mm. 102_155. Lines: 24 per page. Beautiful dedicatory copy. Initials of paragraphs and names of dedicatees in red. Binding decorated with Medici coat of arms.

The Discorso was written in 1565 by Francesco De Vieri on the occasion of Francesco I de Medici's wedding; it is thus dedicated to the duke and his wife, Johanna of Austria. The work, conceived as a thorough discussion of philosophy and its…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [II], 684, [II].Measures variable. Relevant unit: mm. 275_200.

The censure on Alessandro Piccolomini's Annotationi nel libro della Poetica di Aristotele collect several remarks (mainly critical) on Piccolomini's interpretation of Aristotelian passages witnessing - together with other contemporary documents - the…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [III], 359, [II]. mm. 210_310.

Beltrami's notes to Bulgarini discuss the notion of allegory referring to several sources. The main frame of Beltrami's account is Aristotelian: as stated in the preface letter, he is following the division of Aristotle's text (Poetics) below Maggi…

The translation covers Aristotle's Poetics, chapters 1-7; the commentary 1-2.

Paper; ff. [3], [1], 323, [1]; mm. 210_275. Illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios.

The text (witnessed by ms. Vatican City, BAV, Ott. Lat. 2196) is unfortunately almost illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios. Almost nothing is known about the author (an other work by him in Florence, BNC, ms. IX.139). As…

Relevant unit: mm. 225_310; ff. 5 [103v-107v].

The lecture, given at the Accademia degli Umoristi in Rome in 1605, deals with a section of Aristotle's Poetics on the opportunity of employing verse (and not prose) in epic poetry.

p. [8], 55, [2]; 4°. Segn.: *4 A-G4.
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