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  • Creator is exactly "Anonymous"

Paper; misc.; ff. 171; mm. 205_272; written by several hands. Watermarks: ff. 58, 48: cf. Briquet 15794 (a. 1370-1395) and 15797 (a. 1390-1395).

This is an incomplete commentary on the Poetics which seems to be lacking in references to other authors. There are several marginal annotations. The old Magliabechi catalogue refers it to Leonardo Salviati, but there is no certain relation with the…

Paper; ff. 36; mm. 145_212.

The complete title of the anonymous work is Discorso ove si pruova che per questa parola pedia overo peritia che usa Aristotile nel principio del primo libro de parti d'animali non si possa intender altro che la loica particolare come dice Averroè.…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. III + 71 + I; mm. 220_320 (210_313). Watermark: cf. Briquet 652 (a. 1576).

The anonymous Discorso focuses on Aristotle's Rhetoric, book 2, and more specifically deals with the so-called movimento degli affetti. Other Aristotelian works such as the treatise On the Soul are mentioned.

Paper; misc.; ff. [6], 413, [1]; mm. 190_270. Title on spine: 'Raccolta / di vari / manoscritti / Tom. VII. / Copia'. The last text copied refers to 1593.

The anonymous discorso on justice is basically based on Aristotle, though the text refers to other philosophers such as Plato; an interesting reference to Donato Acciaiuoli as an interpreter of Aristotle is made (f. 116r).

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. [7], 258, [1]; mm. 215_310.

The Discorso (which is divided into two different discorsi) draws from several sources: though the main frame of the work is platonic, there is a section entirely devoted to Aristotle's teachings in the field of rhetoric (ff. 253v-256r).

Paper; misc.; ff. [6], 413, [1]; mm. 190_270. Title on spine: 'Raccolta / di vari / manoscritti / Tom. VII. / Copia'. The last text copied refers to 1593.

The anonymous author of the dialogue stages two Spanish characters — Francesco di Bargas and Iacobo Casaglia from Malaga: both disciples of a certain Gian Rodrighes (Juan Rodriguez), they discuss the recent publication of a Latin dialogue by Antonio…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, II, 85; mm. 220_160.

The anonymous translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric witnessed by ms. Modena, BEU, It. 225 appears as a beautifully written copy which follows formal standards of contemporary printed books. No dedicatee is mentioned. The translation covers the three…

Paper; ff. I, 158, I; mm. 145_205. Beautiful copy by a 17th c. cursive calligraphic hand; decorated title-page; each page is framed (mm. 115_168). Title on spine: 'Aristoteles / Rhetorica / XVII s.'.

The treatise focuses on virtues from a christian perspective. It is nevertheless largely indebted to the Aristotelian treatment of virtues in the Ethics.

Paper; ff. 106 not numbered; mm. 150_210. Title on spine: 'Filosofia / morale'.

The anonymous Lezione del coito deals with the notion of coitus drawing not only from Aristotle, but from Galen and Hippocrates as well. The author refers to Aristotelian works such as On generation of animals, On the soul, Problems. The text is…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. III, 79, II; mm. 190_270. Old binding in parchment. Watermark: cf. Briquet 13648 (a. 1570). General title at f. IIr: 'Trattati diversi'; the ms. has been part of the Ambrosiana collection since 1603 (Olgiati). One of the…

The pseudo-Aristotelian treatise De perfecto magisterio deals with alchemic issues. The original text is accessible in J.-J. Manget, Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa (Geneva: 1702), I, 641A.

Paper; misc.; ff. 89; mm. 278_207; the first 21 folios are missing; dated by the scribe at f. 89r: 'Finito el libro Rosario di philosophi. 1473 die 21 mensis Mai'.

The anonymous treatise opens with general references to Aristotle's Metaphysics and Ethics in order to criticise the idea that God might be angry and, hence, imperfect. Other references to the Aristotelian notion of virtue follows; other sources…

Paper; misc.; ff. I, 165; mm. 220_150. Old binding (bad conditions) in wood and vellum. The date (1443) refers to the first text copied by a different, though contemporary hand in the ms. (Liber vocatur Adventus Christi, vernacular, ff. 1r-69v); the…

The work is part of a larger section on bees which includes excerpts from a vernacular translation of Pliny's Natural History (Trattato delle pecchie secondo Plinio libro XI, ff. 153r-180v). The translation of Aristotle is based on the Latin version…

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, [4], 188, [4], 1; mm. 200_282.A later hand adds a date to the last text included in the ms. (1510).
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