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The work is a compendium mainly based on Aristotle: it is made up of three trattati respectively dealing with the definition of habitus-passion-virtue, virtues and friendship. The author refers to other classical sources as well (such as Cicero,…

Paper; misc.; ff. 105; layout: mm. 110_190; 28 lines (variable). The Compendio follows here Taddeo Alderotti's compendium of the Ethics. The text in the ms. is not complete: the last section ('Qui si tratta de una virtù contraria alla magnanimità',…

Paper; ff. [II], 85, [II]; mm. 212_281; layout: mm. 122_180; 26/28 lines. Red rubric and initials of paragraphs in gold.

Paper; miscellaneous by a single chancery hand; ff. [1], 51, [1]; mm. 290_220.

Parchm.; ff. 76; mm. 166_237. Titles and rubrics in red. Modern binding. The text is divided into 99 chapters.

Paper; ff. [I], 96, [I]; mm. 289_203; layout: mm. 108_188; 31 lines. Illuminated initials; paragraph marks in red; modern binding. At f. 93v: 'Schrito el dicto libro per me Bernardo Bragadini da Vinegia nelle Stinche di Firenze a dì XXVIII settembrio…

Cf. modern edition with critical introduction (Manenti 1988).

Folio; ff. 120; ab6, c–h8 ik6 l–q8.

Giovanni Manenti's work is a collection of three Aristotelian texts which had a wide circulation during the Middle Ages: according to Zinelli 2000: 538-541, Manenti's vernacular version of the Secret of secrets seems to draw on Vivaldo Belcalzèr's…

4°. [*]4, A-Z4, AA-FF4. ff. [7], CXII [i.e. 113]. mm. 150×210. Roman.

The text (witnessed by ms. Vatican City, BAV, Ott. Lat. 2196) is unfortunately almost illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios. Almost nothing is known about the author (an other work by him in Florence, BNC, ms. IX.139). As…

Paper; ff. [3], [1], 323, [1]; mm. 210_275. Illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios.

The volume, printed in France in 1568 and edited by the fuoriuscito Jacopo Corbinelli, is the editio princeps of Brunetto Latini's compendium of the Ethics from his Trésor. The textual tradition of the work is most controversial, for it is linked to…

4°; ff. 97: ff. [4], pp. 185, p. [1]; ¶4, A-Z4 + 1; mm. 250×150.
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