Paper; misc.; ff. 80. Old binding (possibly original) in wood and vellum. The Amherst copy is very close in format and layout to the printed edition of 1472. The text is followed by an anonymous Latin treatise De defferentia inter spiritum et animam…
Paper; ff. [III], 65, [III]. mm. 141_104. Modern binding. There is no index of chapters; titles of chapters within the text and names of the interlocutors of the dialogue in red.
Parchment; ff. [vi] paper, [1], 62, [iv] paper. Modern binding; title on the spine: “Iac. Camphora. / De / Immortalitate animae”. mm. 160_215; measures of folios, cut and rebound: mm. 135_200; layout: mm. 80_145. Lines per page: 25. Text copied in…
Parchment; miscellaneous; ff. [I], 4 [2-4 blank], 1-81, [5 blank]; mm. 145_220; written by the same hand. In this ms. the dialogue De immortalitate anime is followed by Lazzaro Gallineta's translation of the treatise On Virtues and Vices (as it…
Paper; ff. [I] + [7 n.n.] + 520 [i.e. 272 pp. + 338 ff.] + [I]; mm. 205_283. Autograph copy with corrections and additions. Title on spine: 'Trattato / dei Governi / di Aristotile / tradotto dal / Greco in Fior(enti)no / da Bernardo Segni'.
Paper; miscellaneous; binding in cardboard; ff. 171; title: 'Discorsi e poesie varie'. The manuscript is a miscellaneous containing several works by different authors (including Leon Battista Alberti and Luigi Alamanni) and related to the circle of…
Parchment; ff. I, 66, I; mm. 90_130. In this ms., references to the author (Jacopo Campora) are omitted: the dialogue's interlocutors are Philide and Cariophilo; the dedication in the prologue is thus to Philide. There is no table of chapters; the…
Paper; miscellaneous by a single scribe; mm. 210_300; 2 columns; red rubrics, initials in red or blue, some of them illuminated; ff. [I] + 4 (mm. 150_210) + [8] + 225 + [4] + [I]. Modern binding. At f. 1r not numb. title by a modern hand: 'Libro…
Paper; ff. 56; mm. 145_197. Layout: 86_125. Lines per page: 22. Original binding in wood and vellum with stamped decorations. Beautiful humanistic script, with marginal red rubrics. Some faults of binding towards the end (correct sequence of folios:…
Paper; ff. [II], 623, [II]; mm. 200_260. Contemporary binding. The last page not numbered as a date: '16 ott. 1609'. An different title, L'Ethica di Fabio Albergati, though erased, is still readable on the spine of the book. The title Del sommo bene.…
Paper; misc., comp. (4 units); ff. [II], 53. Relevant unit (17r-30v): mm. 214_165. In this ms. the commentary surrounds the text, whereas in the two other mss. it follows the text.
Parchment; miscellaneous; ff. [I], 4 [2-4 blank], 1-81, [5 blank]; mm. 145_220; written by the same hand. Layout's measures variable: 1. mm. 82_150, 27 lines; 2. mm. 80_145, 26 lines; 3. mm. 82_155, 28 lines. Title on spine: 'tratt
Paper; pp. 248 + I f. [blank]; mm. 268_200; old binding in parchment; beautiful copy of the text (cf. Vatican mss.). The Compendio follows here the Institutione del principe as if they were the two parts of a same work, dedicated to the Grand Duke…