Paper; misc.; ff. 80. Old binding (possibly original) in wood and vellum. The Amherst copy is very close in format and layout to the printed edition of 1472. The text is followed by an anonymous Latin treatise De defferentia inter spiritum et animam…
Paper; ff. 212 not numbered; mm. 147_210; f. [1]r: Ranuzzi family's coat of arms; f. [2]r: framed title-page. Binding in vellum, maybe original. Title on spine: 'Etica / del / Cesano'. Old shelfmark: 274. Late 16th or early 17th c. copy; watermark…
Paper; misc.; ff. [6], 413, [1]; mm. 190_270. Title on spine: 'Raccolta / di vari / manoscritti / Tom. VII. / Copia'. The last text copied refers to 1593.
Paper; misc.; ff. [6], 413, [1]; mm. 190_270. Title on spine: 'Raccolta / di vari / manoscritti / Tom. VII. / Copia'. The last text copied refers to 1593.
Paper; ff. I, 47, I; 15th c. (1471); rubrics in red; decorated initial at f. 1r; 24 lines. Original binding in wood and vellum (with decorations). Names of cited authors in red on the margins.
Paper; mm. 192_144; ff. [I], pp. 60, ff. [11 of which 2-11 blank], f. [1], pp. 15, [one double-folio between 14 e 15], f. [1], pp.22. Partly numbered; binding in parchment; old shefmark: 17.O.II.76.
Paper; misc.; ff. I, 165, I; mm. 180_290. Modern binding. Miscellaneous collection of moral works (including Cecco d'Ascoli's Acerba, Fiore di virtù and several poems) written by a single hand. Watermark: cf. Piccard: X, 392 (Ferrara 1399).
Paper; in folio; 2 miscellaneous volumes; same binding in parchment; I: ff. [II] + 293 + [I]. II: ff. [II] + 275 + [I]. Title on the spine: 'Miscellanea / di cose / filosofiche / e / morali'. Autograph by Camillo Baldi. Relevant unit: mm. 220_310;…
Paper; miscellaneous by a single scribe; mm. 210_300; 2 columns; red rubrics, initials in red or blue, some of them illuminated; ff. [I] + 4 (mm. 150_210) + [8] + 225 + [4] + [I]. Modern binding. At f. 1r not numb. title by a modern hand: 'Libro…
Paper; ff. [II], 2 (parchm.), 71 (blank 64-71) + [II]; mm. 210_300; layout: mm. 145_230; 37/38 lines; modern binding. Watermark: cf. Piccard, X, n°1107 – Ravenna, a. 1472). Owner's note at f. 71v: 'Iste liber est mei Gregorii marie de Barianis [de…
Paper; ff. [I] + [7 n.n.] + 520 [i.e. 272 pp. + 338 ff.] + [I]; mm. 205_283. Autograph copy with corrections and additions. Title on spine: 'Trattato / dei Governi / di Aristotile / tradotto dal / Greco in Fior(enti)no / da Bernardo Segni'.
Paper; ff. [I], 96, [I]; mm. 289_203; layout: mm. 108_188; 31 lines. Illuminated initials; paragraph marks in red; modern binding. At f. 93v: 'Schrito el dicto libro per me Bernardo Bragadini da Vinegia nelle Stinche di Firenze a dì XXVIII settembrio…