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This partial translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, book 1, from the Latin version by Daniele Barbaro might be attributed to Camillo II Capilupi, whose hand - according to Gasparrini 1939 - would be responsible for several texts included in ms. Rome,…

8°; A-F8, G10; p. 115. Text in Roman, Latin quotations in italics.

p. [8], 55, [2]; 4°. Segn.: *4 A-G4.

Galeazzo Florimonte's Ragionamenti sopra l'Etica di Aristotele were first published in 1554 by Girolamo Ruscelli: this incomplete edition of the work (book 2-3 were missing) was republished in 1562. A complete edition of the Ragionamenti, which is…

4°. ff. [4-1], 177, [1].

8°. a8 A-N8 O4. ff. 116: [8], 107, [1]. Text in italics; dedication and printed marginalia in roman.

4°. A4, a4, B-T4. ff. 80: [8 ff.], 151 pp., [1 p.]. Text in italics. 135×190 mm.

Paper; ff. [II], 122, [V]; original binding in cardboard. Title on spine: 'Galeazzo / Florimonte / Etica d' / Aristot'. Old inventory number on spine: '26'. The name of Benedetto Varchi, owner of the ms., appears not only on the title-page, but also…

Paper, ff. [i], 203 [blank 195-203]; mm. 203_146. Original binding in parchment, damaged spine. Watermark at ff. 195-196, 199-200 cf. Briquet 9970. The title is written on an old and damaged label on the spine: 'Galeazzo Florimonte / da Sessa /…

Vittorio Venturelli translated and commented on Aristotle's Meteorology for the duke of Urbino Francesco Maria II Della Rovere. The work opens with a dedicatory epistle followed by a complete accessus which has the function of a general introduction…

Paper; ff. II, 501; mm. 266_200. Title on spine: 'Meteora d'Arist. del Venturelli'. Beautiful dedicatory copy; follows the layout of contemporary printed books.

Vittorio Venturelli's translation of (and commentary on) Aristotle's Parva Naturalia follows the same author's version of Aristotle's Meteorology. The two works are in fact part of the same project addressed to the duke of Urbino Francesco Maria II…

Paper; ff. [2], 361; mm. 260_200. Beautiful copy (cf. mss. Urb. Lat. 1335, 1338).

Paper; ff. [1], 189, [3]; mm. 260_200. Beautiful copy (cf. mss. Urb. Lat. 1335, 1338).

8°. *4, A-Q8, R-S4. ff. 139 [i.e. 140-1]: [4-1], 134, 2. Dedication in italics; text in roman. 105×165 mm.
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