Browse Items (986 total)

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. 289; modern binding; measures variable: 1. ff. 2r-121r, mm. 340_243; 2. ff. 122r-289v, mm. 298_220. Whereas ms. Florence, BNC, Ginori Conti App. 3 is a beautiful copy of the text, ms. Ricc. 2431 is a sketchy version of the…

Paper; ff. 1 [blank], 240 (modern numeration; ff. 230-240 blank), 4 (blank). Title on spine: 'Cesano / Etica di / Aristot.'; mm. 154_214; beautiful copy by a calligraphic hand of late 16th c.

Paper; old binding in parchment; title on spine: 'Ethica di Gabriel Cesano lib. 4 m.s.'; ff. [1], 152, [1]; mm. 260_200. The name of the dedicatee is explicitly mentioned in this ms. The text is the same which appears in ms. Vatican City, BAV,…

Paper; ff. 212 not numbered; mm. 147_210; f. [1]r: Ranuzzi family's coat of arms; f. [2]r: framed title-page. Binding in vellum, maybe original. Title on spine: 'Etica / del / Cesano'. Old shelfmark: 274. Late 16th or early 17th c. copy; watermark…

Paper; ff. [I modern], 317, [I modern]; mm. 215_155. Modern binding. Text copied by a single hand, earlier than the other extant copies (Vatican City and Austin). With some corrections. Maybe autograph. A different hand adds some biographical details…

Paper; ff. [3 blank], [3], 374, [2 blank]; mm. 261_190. Beautiful dedication copy; the layout follows the typical mise en page of printed books.

Paper; mm. 270_220; ff. [I], 73, [2 blank], [I]. Beautiful copy, calligraphic though cursive hand; some additions and corrections. According to the catalogue the ms. is autograph by Del Rosso.

Paper; ff. [2], 64, [5]. mm. 256_196. Original binding in parchment; dedication copy; title on spine 'RAFF. / GVALT. / dell'a_a / m.s.'.

Paper; ff. [3], [1], 323, [1]; mm. 210_275. Illegible because of a thin protective film stuck on the folios.

Paper; ff. [I], 96, [I]; mm. 289_203; layout: mm. 108_188; 31 lines. Illuminated initials; paragraph marks in red; modern binding. At f. 93v: 'Schrito el dicto libro per me Bernardo Bragadini da Vinegia nelle Stinche di Firenze a dì XXVIII settembrio…

Parchm.; ff. 76; mm. 166_237. Titles and rubrics in red. Modern binding. The text is divided into 99 chapters.

Paper; miscellaneous by a single chancery hand; ff. [1], 51, [1]; mm. 290_220.

Paper; ff. [II], 85, [II]; mm. 212_281; layout: mm. 122_180; 26/28 lines. Red rubric and initials of paragraphs in gold.

Paper; misc.; ff. 105; layout: mm. 110_190; 28 lines (variable). The Compendio follows here Taddeo Alderotti's compendium of the Ethics. The text in the ms. is not complete: the last section ('Qui si tratta de una virtù contraria alla magnanimità',…

Paper; misc.; mm. 143_220; ff. [...]. Faulty numbers of pages. Written by the same cursive but very legible hand.

Paper; ff. [II], 2 (parchm.), 71 (blank 64-71) + [II]; mm. 210_300; layout: mm. 145_230; 37/38 lines; modern binding. Watermark: cf. Piccard, X, n°1107 – Ravenna, a. 1472). Owner's note at f. 71v: 'Iste liber est mei Gregorii marie de Barianis [de…

Paper; ff. [II], 174, [I]; mm. 236_170. Cursive chancery hand. Copied by Luigi di Giovanfrancesco de Pazzi (February 2nd 1493). At f. 174v a note refers to the entrance of Charles VIII King of France into Florence in 1494.

Paper; ff. [I parchm.], [2], 214, [1], [I]; mm. 143_220. Old binding in vellum. The manuscript is copied in 1467 by Buonaccorso di Filippo Adimari (cf. ms. Florence, BNC, Pal. 710).

Paper; ff. [III], 151, 9 (blank), [II]; mm. 200_280; binding in vellum.

Paper; misc.; p. 411; mm. 287_200. The translation of the Ethics is followed by: John Chrysostom, Libro da venire a compunzione, volg. (p. 260-304); Hugh of Saint Victor, Trattato della messa o specchio della santa chiesa, volg. (p. 306-338bis);…

Paper; ff. [3], 221, [3], [3]; mm. 215_146; cursive hand with red rubric and blue initials (the same hand in mss. Pal. 729; Magl. XXI.64). At f. 221r: 'Questo libro scrisse Bonacorso di Filippo Adimari da Firenze, ad istanza di sé et delli amici et…

Parchment; mm. 230_155; ff. II, 210; red rubrics and decorated initials; title of the work at f. IIv within a tond; at f. 1r beautiful frieze on three sides of the page; binding in parchment.

Parchment; ff. I (paper) + 180 + I (paper); mm. 260_180 (164_113); 27 lines. 'Text written in a well formed humanistic bookhand by a single scribe; the rubrics, in majuscules, by another scribe who used excessive punctuation. [...] Written in…

Paper; ff. I (parchm.) + 170 + 1 (parchm.) (blank 166-170); mm. 198_283; 20 lines. Humanistic hand. Frieze at f. 1r; subscription at the end: 'finis. Die .x. Sectembris.

Paper; ff. [9], 86, [4 blank], [9]; mm. 280_195.
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